Filmiõhtul vaatame nelja Hispaania lühifilmi: Stanbrook, Animal, Las Alas de Nestor (Nestor Wings) ja Al Compas (To the Beat). Nelja filmi kestvus kokku: 58 minutit.

In English

Filmid, mida näitame:


Thriller, 14 min

Lavastaja: Carlos Aceituno

Sisu: Noor naine põgeneb mägede poole, sest tal pole teist väljapääsu. Oma teekonnal peab ta jõudma teisele poole sood, kus teda oodatakse ning ära peidetakse. Ta peab minema ainsa laeva peale, kuid ei ole kerge veenda laeva kaptenit, avaldamata tõelist põhjust põgenemiseks.





Animal 1

Thriller, 10 min

Lavastaja: Carlos Aceituno

Sisu: Kaks pisikriminaali on teel järjekordsele kuriteole. Sõites autoga väljaspool linna, juhtub nendega väike õnnetus, mil on erinevad tagajärjed kummalegi osalisele. See konflikt, koos teiste vastuoludega, mis kummagi kriminaaliga kaasneb, on filmi keskseks teemaks.





Las Alas de Néstor


Las Alas de Nestor (Nestor Wings)

Draama, 20 min

Lavastaja: Óliver Gil


Sisu: Film räägib loo kahest sugulasest: Nestor, kel on ajuhalvatus, ja Marta, kelle vanemad ootamatult surevad, saavad üle aastate taas kokku. Uus kooseksisteerimine toob päevavalgele põhjused eelnenud lahusoluks ning panevad neid mõistma oma elu varjatuid külgi ning emotsionaalseid sõlmi, mida pikka aega on endaga kaasas kantud.





Al Compás

Al Compas (To the Beat)

Draama-komöödia, 14 min

Lavastaja: J. M. Asensio

Sisu: Neli sama firma töötajat lastakse erinevatel põhjustel lahti. Ükshaaval istuvad töötajad vastamisi ettevõtte direktoriga, kes kritiseerib töötajaid metronoomi taktis. Kontsert on peagi algamas.






Short movies to be screened in the library: 


Thriller, 14’

Director: Carlos Aceituno


A young woman flees towards the mountains because she has no other way out. In her getaway she will have to reach the other side of a swamp where they are waiting to hide her. She will have to take the only boat available, but it will not be so easy to convince the captain without revealing her true motivation.


Thriller, 10’

Director: Carlos Aceituno


Two petty criminals are on their way to do another job. While they are driving outside the city, they suffer a small accident, which does not have the same repercussions for both of them. This conflict, together with the discrepancies that the characters already bring with them, will be the leitmotif of the film.

Las Alas de Nestor (Nestor Wings)

Drama, 20'

Director: Óliver Gil


Nestor's Wings tells the story of two siblings: Nestor, sick with cerebral palsy, and Marta, who after the sudden death of her parents are reunited after years apart. The new coexistence together will make known the reason for the distance between them, and they will understand unknown aspects of their life, emotional knots that have been dragged along for a long time.

Al Compas (To the Beat)

Drama-comedy, 14'

Director: J. M. Asensio


Four employees of a company will be dismissed for various reasons. One by one they will sit down in front of a relentless director who will judge them to the beat of a metronome. The concert's about to start.

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