The ultimate aim of the “My Green Identity” thematic network project is to fight against climate change and support sustainable development. The aim will be reached by developing a multi-professional transnational network with closely involved partner organizations and participants.
This network ensures that its’ partners create, produce and implement collaborative cross border measures that encourage active citizenship in people by sharing information and making it possible to combat climate change.
Besides producing a thematic international network, project aims to increase the competence and knowledge of the staff in partner organizations on international cooperation, climate change and UN’s Agenda 2030 SDG. In addition, the purpose of the project is to expand and emphasize the role of libraries as active initiators in the field of sustainable development and make that role visible to decision makers and library customers.
Project’s activities include transnational meetings, national midterm meetings, communication in between the meetings and experimenting cross border and cross sectoral measures related to the issues of sustainable development.
Project includes partners from six countries: a total of ten libraries and eight libraries´ partner organizations. Every area has a library that acts as the center of the planned measures and the main facilitator in the network. And the libraries' partners involved are expanding perspective and represent different fields of society. During the project, the purpose is to further enhance the network and make it well-functioning and solid.

Climate Change In Estonian Media

The library will bring together a discussion group on nature conservation topics!
On December 11 at 5:15pm a green discussion group will take place in the Kärdla Library. Topics will be discussed on how to conserve Christmas time more economically; how to buy food with your packaging; how to reduce our ecological footprint. 
Everyone interested in the topic is welcome. The discussion will be moderated by Kristi Ristmägi. The event will be held by the NGO V.E.S.T.A.
Further information: Kärdla Library, phone 4 632 142.





      Raamatute ljapanekud


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  • Hando Runnel 85


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  • Näitus  ennast nähtavaks tegemise vahenditest liikluses -  "Olen silmapaistev!"



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