The Public Internet Access Point (PIAP) is located in the reading room and is opened during opening hours of the library. The patrons have possiblity to use two computers. The usuage of the computers are free of charge and both of the computers are equipped with an ID-card reader.

User Regulations of The Public Internet Access Point:
• The visitor selects a free computer
• Computers can be used 15 minutes at a time, when there is a queue

• The visitor can book a computer in advance via phone 463 2142 or at the library
• A computer may be used by only one person at a time, unless the librarian gives the premission
• It is possible to print documents from the computers. Printing, copying and scanning are priced (check prices here).

PIAP user is prohibited:
• Disturbing other readers
• Restarting or shutting down the computer
• Changing computer configurations or/ and installing programs
• Eating or drinking near the computer stations
• Visit websites for fee.

      Raamatute ljapanekud


  • Vardad välja!
  • Hando Runnel 85


  • Talvelood


  • Lumised lood


  • Näitus  ennast nähtavaks tegemise vahenditest liikluses -  "Olen silmapaistev!"



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