Through Inter Library Loan (ILL), it is possible to order books or magazine articles from other libraries, which are not found in our collection. The patron will pay postage costs for returning the books according to the price list of Omniva (postal service). Copies of magazine articles are paid according to the price list of the supplying library. The loan period for books will be set by the supplying library. The book arrives in 2-3 days, and the reader is informed by phone or e-mail.

To order books from the other libraries:

  • come to the library and give order to librarian
  • call: 463 2142
  • Send e-mail: See e-posti aadress on spämmirobotite eest kaitstud. Selle nägemiseks peab su veebilehitsejas olema JavaSkript sisse lülitatud.

Ordering and sending through ILL is provided by organization guide of National Library of Estonia.

      Raamatute ljapanekud


  • Hiiumaast ja hiiumaist
  • Viiu Härm 80


  • Suvised lood


  • Tõlgitud saksa keelest


  • Irina Tammise käsitöö esemete näitus "Nopped"



Loe raamatukogus digilehte

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