• Patrons are registered on the basis of a valid identity document or some other personal identity document with a photo.
• In order to check out books, magazines, CDs, etc, you will need an ID-card or library card. The library card is issued at the request of the reader.
• The regular loan period for books is 21 days and for magazines 3 days. The loan period for video and audio cassettes, DVDs and music CDs is 7 days and the deadline will not be renewed for these items.
• The patron can renew the borrowed items (by e-mail, phone, RIKSWEB or on site) in case the other patrons have not requested the borrowed items and the patron is not in the list of the debtors.
• The patron has the right to reserve an item by putting themselves on a waiting list and when the item is available to borrow the library will notify them by sendig e-mail or over phone.
• The patron can log into RIKSWEB by using a password and see its check-outs, due dates, overdue charges, the arrival of reserved books, possibility of renewal. The patron can get the password from the library.
• If the patron does not return the borrowed item by the due date, the overdue charge is 0.06€ per day (from the second week). 
• In case of spoiling, losing or not returning an item, the patron is obligated to replace the item with another copy of the item or compensate it by paying the amount designated by the library.

      Raamatute ljapanekud


  • Vardad välja!
  • Hando Runnel 85


  • Talvelood


  • Lumised lood


  • Näitus  ennast nähtavaks tegemise vahenditest liikluses -  "Olen silmapaistev!"



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